Adoptee Voices Magnified / by Eric Sharp

Photo © Shane Bolen

Photo © Shane Bolen

We here at WorkSharp are always impressed and humbled by the amazing creativity and narratives coming out of the international Korean adoptee community. Eric was honored to be featured recently in two exciting adoptee-led online projects. The #AdopteesSpeak Project highlights community voices from #1988to2018 to track the changes in the attitudes and conversation around transnational adoption from the time of the 1988 Seoul Olympics (around the peak of international adoption from Korea) to present. Check out the project on Instagram @Adoptees.Speak and leave a comment!

Eric also sat down with Adapted Podcast and discussed several topics including birth family reunions, his career as an Asian American actor in the Twin Cities, and how one can never really know the true distance to the truth in any adoption story. Listen the the episode on iTunes here and let us know what you think. For all the adoptee readers out there, please consider adding your voices to these vibrant and heartfelt archives.

I feel like I’m someone who has at least tried to understand multiple sides of what it means to be adopted. And I try not to have bitterness towards my Korean parents. I’ve reunited with both sides of my family; my parents were divorced at the time of my adoption. For 30+ years now, the stories have been diverging and the accounts are very different, depending on who you ask.

For me it became, are you going to take one version as gospel and call the other person a liar? And I’m just not willing to do that.